
Greetings from the Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership Director Masako Ishii-Kuntz


Ochanomizu University established the Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership in AY2015 to reinforce the school’s mission of boosting the leadership capabilities of women to a global level. In support of this pivotal move, we strategically restructured and incorporated two centers into this research organization, and additionally launched our latest institute in AY2022.

The first was to move the Center for Leadership Education and Research, which had been a focal research and education base for the university’s leadership cultivation programs as well as a vehicle for promoting gender equality, to the Institute for Global Leadership.

Our second reorganization was to make the Center for Gender Studies-an international research stronghold for gender studies in Japan that had performed top-caliber research projects as well as built up global academic networks-into the Institute for Gender Studies.

Finally, to make the organization complete, we established the Institute for Gendered Innovations in April 2022. Here we focus on the differences between men and women, and aim to solve the problematic issues in society which have been caused by the gender bias in previous researches and technologies. Our goal is to achieve gender sensitive approaches in areas of sciences and social sciences, and to bring on innovations.

The guiding principles of the Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership are as follows:

  1. To promote global women’s leadership.
  2. To support gender equality and equity in society.
  3. To establish global education and research bases for the Institute for Global Leadership, the Institute for Gender Studies, and the Institute for Gendered Innovations. We also contribute to promoting women’s participation in society during our university’s engagements and strive to elevate Ochanomizu University to a premier women’s university positioned to lead other women’s universities around the world.

I would be greatly pleased to have you continue to offer your support and cooperation of our endeavors for many years to come.

Masako Ishii-Kuntz, Ph.D.
Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership

  • 研究所入口
  • 研究所建物

Note: The activities of the Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership are described in greater detail on the individual websites of the institutes under its authority. Please visit them from the following links.

  • グローバルリーダーシップ研究所
  • ジェンダー研究所
  • ジェンダード・イノベーション研究所