
Past and Ongoing Initiatives


FY 2014 to 2016

Project for Developing a Model to Support Female Researchers in Collaboration with Other Organizations -Subsidy Project for the Science and Technology Human Resources Development by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-

The university, as a national women's university that has trained and produced a large number of female researchers, has been implementing the project aimed at "increasing the ratio of female researchers in science and engineering" in collaboration with the Shibaura Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) since FY 2014. 
Furthermore, a new "virtuous circle model for increasing the ratio of female researchers in science and engineering" was developed for all levels from undergraduate students to researchers in higher positions, and the following efforts were made to promote and spread the model to educational and research institutions, companies, and local governments.
  1. Increase the number of middle school and high school female students who are interested in science and engineering fields
  2. Increase the number of female university students who want to deepen their research in science and engineering fields
  3. Increase in the number of female graduate students who aim to become researchers in science and engineering fields
  4. Increase in the number of young female researchers aiming for senior positions as researchers in science and engineering fields
  5. Increase in the number of female researchers in senior positions who are involved in fostering the next generation
  6. Establishment of a system and creation of a model to enhance research capabilities and the quality of researchers

Click here for more information.
https://www.cf.ocha.ac.jp/igl/renkei/ (opens in new window) (Japanese)

FY 2006 to 2008

Project for Developing a Model to Support Female Researchers (Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

The activities of the “Project for developing a model to support female researchers”, which has adopted as Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology from FY 2006 to 2008, are as follow. 
Project title: Development of an employment environment model for female researchers
  1. Assign research assistants to female researchers who are raising children.
  2. Created a mentoring system.
  3. Enforce the nine-to-five work system.
  4. Provide on-campus childcare center and adjacent dormitory.
  5. Establish an "information bank" for female researchers.
  6. Raise awareness of young female researchers who aim to pursue science, engineering and agriculture through role models and document the activities on video.
  7. Verify the effectiveness and feasibility of attempts to support and raise awareness of female researchers, and share the results to other research institutions.
For details, please visit the Project for Developing a Model to Support Female Researchers/ the former COSMOS homepage (opens in new window) (Japanese).
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