2017年3月27日~28日にクアラルンプール(マレーシア)にて開催された第5回GSE2017(Global Summit on Education)において、平成28年度グローバル協力センター「女子教育・基礎教育分野における国際調査支援」を受けたバズラチャルヤ ディヌさん(大学院人間文化創成科学研究科人間発達科学専攻D3)がネパールでの調査結果をもとに学会発表を行いました(発表日:3月28日)。演題は“Determinant Factors of High-Dropout Risk in Nepal- Focus on Public Schools in Valley Region-”です。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the determinant factors of high-risk of dropout in the valley area (Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur) of Nepal. It investigates the number of reasons under each factor as: impact of school, teacher and friends on “high-risk dropout” students. To account this, three specific research questions had been proposed: 1) what are the characteristics of students who are in “high- risk of dropout”? 2) which factors of school are responsible to lead “high-risk dropout” students? 3) what kind of friend’s (in/outside of school) factors are affecting on “high-risk dropout” student? This research is based on paper-pencil survey with 1,041 students (grade four and five) of public primary school students. Selected schools have high dropout rate comparing to the national level data of Nepal. Survey questionnaires were developed based on the conceptual framework, relevant literature reviews and then peer review and expert consultations. The findings of this study revealed that, out of 1,041 students, about 12% students are in “high-risk of dropout” and about 6% students are “dissatisfied” with the school life. Additionally, lack of communication, nervousness, corporal punishment, one-way learning method etc. are the major factors that have increased the dropout risk. Besides that, relationships with friends (in/outside of the school) were also found to be associated with dropout risk. Therefore, the survey result found that the relationship with the school, teachers, and friends (in/outside the school), are interrelated with dropout risk. The survey was conducted during 7th July 2016 to 5th September 2016. |