One of the challenges of gender equality and diversity policies is that while laws and systems are implemented, they are not sufficiently practiced. For example, despite the introduction of a generous support system, male employees in Japan do not take childcare leave.
Regarding LGBTQ issues, while understanding is growing and issues are becoming clearer, the system design for social inclusion and the practice of social acceptance still have a long way to go. This seminar will discuss the gaps between systems and practices, as well as good practices of transgender inclusion in the Norwegian workplace. We hope that it will provide an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the current situation in Japan.
Outline |
Date |
Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 9:30-10:30 (in Japan) |
Venue |
Online (Zoom meeting) |
Speaker |
Isak Jacobsen (PhD Candidate, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)) “Barriers and Paths to Inclusion for Transgender People in the Workplaces in Norway” |
Audience |
Open to the public |
Language |
English and Japanese with consecutive interpreting |
Registration |
Required |
Organizer |
Institute for Gendered Innovations SIP Project “Research on Learning and Working Practices for D&I Society” |
Inquiry |
ocha-sip3 (at) cc.ocha.ac.jp |
Barriers and Paths to Inclusion for Transgender People in the Workplaces in Norway
This presentation explores the inclusion of transgender individuals in the workplace in Norway, examining both current practices and prevailing barriers. Despite progressive legal frameworks and increasing societal acceptance, transgender employees often face significant challenges. Key barriers include lack of awareness and sensitivity training, inadequate support systems, and persistent discrimination. The presentation will highlight best practices for fostering an inclusive work environment, including the implementation of comprehensive anti-discrimination policies, the promotion of gender-neutral facilities, and the importance of supportive leadership. The presentation will offer opportunities for reflection and discussion of practices in Norway.
Isak Løberg Jacobsen is a PhD candidate in gender studies at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU). Isak’s work is centered around transgender people’s barriers to reproductive health care in Norway. Isak’s research explores the issues, stigma and opportunities that transgender people face in Norway.
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