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Subject Based Course (taught in English)


Course Contents

【Subject Based Course】 Choose ONE sub-course from the below

Sub-course 1: Natural science : basic questions and applications

Sub-course 2: Gender, Globalization and Diversity in Contemporary Japan

Sub-course 3: Exploring Human Life and Environmental Sciences: Integrating Perspectives on Health, Society, and Technology

Sub-course 1: Natural science : basic questions and applications

Basic research in natural science aims to deepen our understanding of nature from various perspectives. There have been many progress during the last century in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology which made their ways to applications affecting our daily life, such as mobile phones, various materials and vaccines etc. Also, computing and information science developed rapidly since its invention and by now they are accelerating research in all disciplines. Behind these technological developments are the steady progress in basic science which are driven by researchers desire to answer basic questions in nature. The lectures would offer opportunities to hear about the fundamental questions which are motivating the current research and examples in different areas of science.

 Sub-course 2:Gender, Globalization and Diversity in Contemporary Japan

This course looks at how contemporary Japanese society is changing in the context of both global and domestic social pressures with a special focus on the consequences of these changes for gender and diversity. From social welfare to employment, immigration, gender equity and inclusion, contemporary Japan is facing a range of policy and social issues that will shape Japanese society in the coming decades. How is Japan adapting to our changing world, and what challenges and hurdles remain going forward?  

Sub-course 3:Exploring Human Life and Environmental Sciences: Integrating Perspectives on Health, Society, and Technology

This comprehensive program, a collaborative effort of the Human-Environmental Science Department, Human Life Science Department, Nutrition Department, and Psychology Department, delves into various facets of health, society, and technology. Specifically, it examines the relationship between modern lifestyles and health, addressing this issue in light of recent scientific findings in the field of human diet and physical behavior. The exploration extends beyond biological aspects to encompass the influence of social norms, cultural assets, and overall well-being. When relevant, discussions will be enriched with references and data specifically directed to Japanese society and its people, offering participants valuable insights applicable to both global and Japanese perspectives.

関連ファイル / Related Files

» Syllabus_Subject Based Course_Natural Sciences(PDF形式 185キロバイト)

» Syllabus_Subject Based Course_Gender(PDF形式 168キロバイト)

» Syllabus_Subject Based Course_Exploring Human Life(PDF形式 214キロバイト)

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