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Report on the FY2020 Summer Program


The Online Summer Program (Ocha Summer Program for Global Leaders) took place for two weeks from February 6 (Saturday) to 20 (Saturday), 2021.
Although originally scheduled to take place in June 2020, in anticipation of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the program was postponed to February of the following year and was also held online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Course 1: Japanese Language Course,” held for the eighth consecutive year, was attended by 17 students from overseas partnership schools. In addition, the three courses (Letters and Education, Human Life and Environmental Sciences, and Science) of “Course 2: Culture & Society (taught in English)” were reorganized into two courses to realize a program that more clearly reflected the character of Japan. The courses were attended by a total of 27 students, 13 from overseas partnership schools and fourteen from Ochanomizu University. Attended by a total of 35 students, 13 from overseas partnership schools and 22 from Ochanomizu University, “Project Work” featured presentations made by teams made of multinational members. 16 schools from 13 countries participated in the two courses.

 In addition, two special lectures were held during the program.
The first was a special lecture on “Women, Power and Leadership in Islam” by Dr. Azadeh Kian of the University of Paris and the second on “Women’s Employment and Men’s Domestic Work in Contemporary Japan: Implications for Women’s Leadership” by Emeritus Professor Masako Ishii- Kuntz of Ochanomizu University.

 In preparation for the online implementation of the program, exchanges between students from Ochanomizu University and overseas partnership schools began in December before the program commenced. Moreover, events such as the distribution of videos presenting Japanese culture and online exchange meetings such as quiz tournaments, held by the Summer Program Student Committee made up of volunteer students from Ochanomizu University, brought the program to a successful end amid wide acclaim.

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