
<ONLINE> International Symposium (Nov 15, 2021)


International Symposium

“Leadership for All: Theory and Action to Foster Gender Equality” (Monday, Nov 15, 2021)
Series: Women's Leadership in Asia 1

The general elections in Japan in October 2021 must elicit in-depth discussions on gender equality and women’s leadership in politics. The current proportion of women in Japan’s House of Representatives is only 10%, even after more than seven decades have passed since universal suffrage was established. Why is the representation of women in the Japanese Diet so small? This gender gap in number reveals the existence of a gender gap in politics in a broader context. What barriers prevent the participation of women participation in Japanese politics? What must be accomplished to make women more interested and involved in politics? This symposium will discuss women’s leadership in politics from a global perspective, beginning with an academic discussion on the gender gap in political participation in the UK.

This symposium is co-organized by the Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) and the Institute for Gender Studies (IGS) at Ochanomizu University. It will offer participants the opportunity of learning through stimulating discourses and exploratory debates that criticize the celebration of the superficial diversification of leadership. The symposium will attempt to transcend gender stereotypes and undertake the university’s aim to develop future women leaders. We hope you will join our discussions to develop the concepts of leadership.

  • Date and Time:Monday, November 15th, 2021, 18:00-20:00 (JST), 9:00-11:00 (GMT)
  • Venue:Zoom Webinar (Prior registration required) Registration (Registration closed.)
  • Language:Japanese and English with simultaneous interpreting
  • Organizer:Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership
           [Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) and Institute for Gender Studies (IGI)]


MC: TOTANI Yoko (Professor and IGS Director, Ochanomizu University)

Opening remarks and introduction (18:00 - 18:05 JST, 9:00 - 9:05 GMT)
ISHII-KUNTZ Masako (Vice President and Trustee, Ochanomizu University)
Session 1: Keynote Speech (18:05 - 18:55 JST, 9:05 - 9:55 GMT)

“Understanding women's political participation: a case study of the United Kingdom”
Rosie CAMPBELL (Professor of politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, King’s College London)

Break (18:55 - 19:00 JST, 9:55 - 10:00 GMT)
Session 2: Panel Discussion (19:00 - 20:00 JST, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT


SHIN Ki-young (Professor, IGS, Ochanomizu University)

OKI Naoko (Lecturer, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, IGL Visiting Researcher)

Myles CARROLL (Assistant Professor, IGL Researcher, Ochanomizu University)

[Moderator] KOBAYASHI Makoto (Professor, IGL Director, Ochanomizu University)

[Keynote Speech]

“Understanding women's political participation: a case study of the United Kingdom”
Rosie Campbell

In most established democracies women's participation in politics has increased over the decades that have followed suffrage, but gender gaps remain. Women's electoral turnout has largely caught up with men's and in some contexts overtaken it. However, women remain less likely to be actively interested and engaged in politics, less likely to be party members, and less often stand for political office, although again many of these differences have diminished over time. Alongside this gradual increase in women's political participation, we have seen gender gaps in party support emerge with women in many high-income countries shifting to the left of men. In this paper I explore the barriers and enablers to women's political participation in the UK within in the context of the global literature. I ask whether increasingly hostile online political environments are likely to supress women's participation or whether distinct gendered political values are emerging that support women's political activity.


Rosie Campbell

■Rosie Campbell
Rosie Campbell is professor of politics and director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership(GiWL) at King’s College London. The Institute works towards a world in which women of all backgrounds have fair and equal access to leadership.  Chaired by Julia Gillard, the only woman to have served as Prime Minister of Australia, the GiWL brings together rigorous research, practice and advocacy to break down the barriers to women becoming leaders, while challenging ideas of what leadership looks like.

Rosie has written extensively on political representation and is the principal investigator of the ESRC funded Representative Audit of Britain, which surveyed all candidates standing in the 2015, 2017 and 2019 British General Elections. She has presented six episodes of Radio Four’s Analysis and in 2020 she presented an episode of BBC Radio 4’s rethink series examining how COVID19 is accelerating changes to our world that were not expected until at least 2025.


Shin Ki-young

■SHIN Ki-young
Shin Ki-young is Professor of Political Science and Gender Studies at Ochanomizu University. Research interests include women’s political representation, comparative women’s movements, #MeToo, and gender policies in East Asia. Organizer of the East Asian Research Network on Gender and Diversity in Political Representation (WondeR) for comparative research on women's political representation in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Recent works are published in international journals including International Political Science Review, Politics & Gender, and Pacific Affairs, as well as numerous edited books.

Oki Naoko

■OKI Naoko
Oki Naoko is Lecturer at Sugiyama Jogakuen University and Visiting Researcher, Institute for Global Leadership, Ochanomizu University. She received her Ph. D. in Gender and Politics in 2011. From 2018 she is the principal investigator of the research project "Seiji Juku” (Politics Academies) in the Candidate Recruitment Process: Implications for Women's Political Participation" of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), JSPS. Her recent works on academic journals are "Promoting Women's Participation in Local Election by Political Party Candidate Recruitment: A Case of Prefectural Assemblies in Japan" (2016), "Do the Seiji Juku (Politics Schools) Promote Women's Political Participation in Japan?: An Examination of their Recruitment Systems" (2018), and “Recruitment of Female Candidates by Political Parties: Analysis of the Nation-wide Local Election in 2019” (2019). Her current research interests include women participation in local politics and political recruitment.

Myles Carroll

Myles Carroll is an Assistant Professor in the divisions of Global Studies for Intercultural Cooperation and Gender and Social Science and Researcher at the Institute for Global Leadership, Ochanomizu University. His research examines the political economy of Japan, using social reproduction theory and Gramscian hegemony theory to explore Japanese political economy from the post-war era to the present from a critical and feminist perspective. He teaches in the areas of international political economy and labor economics at the undergraduate level and comparative political economy and gender political economy at the graduate level. He has published articles in various journals, including The Japanese Political Economy, Capital & Class and Critical Sociology, and will publish a book, The Making of Modern Japan: Power, Crisis, and the Promise of Transformation in November 2021.

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