DATE: Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 18:20-19:20 (Japan Standard Time)
Style: Online Seminar (zoom)
SPEAKER: Dr. Claudia Peus (Executive Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity, Technical University of Munich)
Claudia Peus has been Professor of Research and Science Management at the TU Munich since May 2011, Executive Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity since October 2017 and founding director of the TUM Institute for Life Long Learning (TUM IL3) since December 2019. After completing her doctorate at LMU Munich, she worked as a visiting scholar at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University.
In her research, Prof. Peus focuses on leadership and leadership development in the digital age, the management of research organizations and diversity in organizations. She is a member of various advisory boards and advises organizations from business and science on topics such as leadership, diversity and talent management. In 2020, Prof. Peus was included in the list of "Germany's Most Inspiring Women".
*Consecutive interpretation available (English-Japanese)
*Prior registration required (Admission Free)
Registration Form https://forms.gle/6LzPK9pYDYHkZ1zM8
Organizer: Institute for Global Leadership, Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women’s Leadership,Ochanomizu University
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