
Presidents’ Conference Ochanomizu × Ewha “Tomorrow: Vision for Fostering Global Women Leaders” (December 1, 2021)


Presidents’ Conference Ochanomizu × Ewha

“Tomorrow: Vision for Fostering Global Women Leaders”

Through their histories, both Ewha Womans University in Korea and Ochanomizu University in Japan have played a pivotal role in educating women who became pioneers in all walks of life.

Today, we are faced with a new and unfamiliar world. We hope to work together to create new opportunities in the midst of great challenges that lie before us. With our long history of overcoming challenges and creating new pathways for women and the world, we will boldly move forward.

Both Ewha and Ochanomizu universities will continue our proud legacy and take our endeavor to the next level to produce a corps of professionals who will assume leadership —both at the national and global level.

As the first step forward to work together for the development of higher education for women into the future, presidents of Ewha and Ochanomizu universities will share their visions of education for women and strategies for challenges that we face.

  • Date and Time:Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 15:00-17:15 (Japan Standard Time)
  • Online Symposium (via Zoom Webinar) 
  • Simultaneous interpretation available (English/Japanese)
  • Audience:Open to the public
  • Prior registration required Registration Form (Registration closed.)






Opening Remarks

Masako ISHII-KUNTZ, Trustee/Vice President of Ochanomizu Univ.


Introducing Presidents & Universities
(Video showing of each university)

Makoto KOBAYASHI, Director of Institute for Global Leadership, Ochanomizu Univ.


Keynote Speeches by Presidents

President Eun Mee KIM
President Yasuko SASAKI


Questions & Comments from Students

Students of Ewha and Ochanomizu


Response from the Presidents

President Eun Mee KIM
President Yasuko SASAKI


Message from Woman Leader

Kathy MATSUI, General Partner, MPower Partners


Final Words by the Presidents

President Eun Mee KIM
President Yasuko SASAKI 


Closing Remarks

Sung-Nam CHO, Professor Emeritus, Ewha Womans Univ., Specially Appointed Professor, Ochanomizu Univ.


■Eun Mee Kim, President, Ewha Womans University

Professor Eun Mee Kim is the 17th President of Ewha Womans University. She completed her M.A. in Sociology at Brown University after graduating from Ewha Womans University and received her Ph.D. in Sociology at Brown University. She is Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies, Director of the Ewha Global Health Institute for Girls and Women, former Dean of the Graduate School, former Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies, and former Director of the Institute for Development and Human Security at Ewha Womans University. She became the President of Ewha Womans University in March 2021.

■Yasuko SASAKI, President, Ochanomizu University

Yasuko SASAKI is the 17th President of Ochanomizu University. She graduated from Ochanomizu University with a degree in Japanese linguistics. After receiving Master of Japanese Literature and Master of Humanities and Sciences from Ochanomizu University, she served as an Assistant Professor and later as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Letters and Education, Ochanomizu University, and became a professor in 2007. She was a Visiting Professor at Université de Strasbourg, France. Following positions as Vice President and Trustee for international affairs and gender equality, she became the President of Ochanomizu University in April 2021.

■Kathy MATSUI, General Partner, MPower Partners

Kathy is the former Vice Chair of Goldman Sachs Japan and Chief Japan Equity Strategist. Her groundbreaking ʻWomenomicsʼ research spurred the Japanese government to promote gender diversity, and she has advised corporations on governance and diversity best practices. She has an MA from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and an AB from Harvard.

関連ファイル / Related Files

» Presidents’Conference20211201(PDF形式 7,317キロバイト)

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