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  • 研究所のヴィジョンについての図解スライド英語版
  • OCHA-SDGs Student Committee Image Picture

Institute for SDGs Promotion

Ochanomizu University, which will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2025, has contributed to higher education for women and the production of high-level human resources, with its mission "to be a place where all women who are motivated to learn can realize their earnest dreams". 

Institute for SDGs Promotion was established in April 2022, which is a new institute for the University, but I believe that the support for girls' education around the world, including in developing countries, which Ochanomizu University has been working on for years, anticipated the SDG’s principle of  "Leave No One Behind (LNOB)".  

We add human life and environmental science research, which is one of the special features of our university, to these efforts and promote SDG research and activities from the perspective of seikatsu-sha*, which pursues "an enriched healthy human life", "coexistence with people and society with various values" and "harmony between environmental issues and human life", as well as making use of our educational environment where the university and affiliated schools are located on the same campus.        

 *Seikatsu-sha: subjects who are creatively involved in enriching their lives. 

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About Institute for SDGs Promotion


Our engagement to achieve SDGs


SDGs in the curriculum
