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イベントレポート 対談「大衆文化のヒーロー 歌舞伎とマンガII」(Japanese/English)


You can find the English version at the bottom of this page.


2021年7月12日(月)、集英社コミック販売部の仲川広樹さんをゲスト講師にお迎えし、対談「大衆文化のヒーロー 歌舞伎とマンガII」をオンライン配信で開催しました。2020年12月開催のトークイベント「歌舞伎とマンガ」の続編として、歌舞伎と現代文化の代表たるマンガの接点を探ることを目指した企画です。本学グローバルリーダーシップ研究所のサマープログラムとの共催で、参加者は約120名。その内訳は、本学の学生のほか、海外提携校から14カ国80名以上もの留学生が参加しました。



  • 流行の兆し:1990年代後半頃、『週刊少年ジャンプ』のファンイベントにおいて読者アンケートからはうかがい知れない読者(=女性)を発見。作品の多様な読まれ方を目の当たりにする。
  • 流行の理由:演劇化は作品ファンに寄り添うことが前提で、ブラッシュアップも可能であるため。
  • 歌舞伎とマンガの親和性(表現方法):歌舞伎の「型の演技」と「様式」が、視覚イメージが重視されるマンガの再現に適している。
  • 歌舞伎とマンガの親和性(作劇法):受け手の反応を意識して物語が紡がれてゆく(=マンガの連載という手法、江戸歌舞伎のロングラン方式)。
  • 時代背景:読書体験を皆で共有する場としての演劇化(=コト消費)。





 ポケモンや美少女戦士などのアニメを見て育った私ですが、アニメを見るよりも、主にマンガを読む、いわゆる「western generation」の一人でもあります。『少年ジャンプ』というスウェーデン語版の月刊漫画雑誌もあり、私はそこで『BLEACH』『NARUTO-ナルト―』『るろうに剣心』などのマンガに出会いました。残念なことに日本側の所有者がスウェーデン側の出版許可を撤回したため、36号をもって廃刊となりました。これはとても悲しいことです。私の知る限りその雑誌は大変人気で、スウェーデンの子ども達にとって、お手頃な価格で色々なマンガを読むよい機会になっていました。仲川さんのお言葉の通り、日本以外では、昔も今もマンガの単行本の値段は高いためです。ただ、今でもスウェーデンでマンガが子ども達に人気かどうかは分かりません。なぜなら、昨今の技術の発展につれてNetFlixのようなストリーミング配信サイトが現れ、多種多様なアニメを提供しているからです。

Marlene Ebba Moa Gunnel Nanna Wixner(Dalarna University/スウェーデン)

 講演中に話題にあがった雑誌『週刊少年ジャンプ』については知りませんでした。ドイツの大都市なら本屋にあるように思いますが、私の地元ではまず見たことがありません。講演で紹介があった『週刊少年ジャンプ』の人気マンガのリストには、見覚えがある作品が多くあります。まだ一作も読んでいないのですが、作品名やあらすじは知っています。とくに『NARUTO―ナルト―』『ONE PIECE』『鬼滅の刃』はドイツでとても人気があります。マンガを読もうと思ったり、何を読めるかと考えた時には、このうちの少なくとも一作があがります。
 そして私が知っていたマンガで、舞台化や実写化された唯一の作品は『Death Note』です。ドイツでは、マンガよりもアニメの方が人気です。ドイツではマンガが10ユーロ以上するため、多くの人はオンラインでマンガを読むか、そのアニメ版を見るのです。ドイツの一般的なアニメの視聴サイトには、アニメ原作のミュージカルや舞台は載せていません。YouTubeのようなプラットフォームでは、舞台のハイライト(だいたい5分以下)を見つけることしかできませんでした。ドイツでこれらの公演を見ることは難しいため、こうしたミュージカルや歌舞伎がドイツやヨーロッパで上演されたらとても嬉しく思います。

Celina Rinkewitz(Bergische Universität Wuppertal/ドイツ)


Sunghan Hong(Dongduk Women's University/韓国)

Event Report
Dialogue“Heroes of the Mass Culture -- Kabuki and Manga II”

Streamed online from the Hisao & Hiroko TAKI PLAZA in the campus.

Monday, July 12, 2021, Dialogue “Heroes of the Mass Culture -- Kabuki and Manga II” was held and streamed online with Mr. Nakagawa Koki from the comics sales department of Shueisha as our guest. It was a sequel of the Talk Event “Kabuki and Manga”, and tried to find some common points of Kabuki and Manga as a representative of the contemporary culture. It was organized jointly with the summer program of the Institute for Global Leadership of Ochanomizu University, and about 120 participants attended the event including students from our university as well as more than 80 foreign students in Japan from our oversea partner universities in 14 countries.

In recent years, many theatrical productions based on manga series have been put on the stage in Japan, such as Musical of Takarazuka Revue The Rose of Versailles (1974), 2.5D Musical The Prince of Tennis (2003), Musical Death Note (2015), Super Kabuki One Piece (2015) and New Kabuki NARUTO (2018), which were all based on Shueisha manga series. The theme of the event included the background of popularity, the affinity of the two genres and the significance of dramatization of manga series, and Mr. Nakagawa, acting successfully in the front lines of comics sales for many years, told us lots of episodes from the view of marketing.

The details of topics are as below.

  • The beginning of popularity -- In the last half of the 1990s, female readers that had never been seen by questionnaires before got attention in fan events of Weekly Shōnen Jump. Various interpretations of manga series were witnessed since then.
  • The reason of popularity -- The premise of dramatization was to press close to fans of manga series. Refinements were also possible.
  • The affinity of kabuki and manga (expression methods) -- “Performance forms” and “styles and patterns” of kabuki were suitable to reproduce manga which attached importance to visual images.
  • The affinity of kabuki and manga (dramaturgy) -- Stories were weaved being aware of reactions of recievers (= serializations of manga series and long-run system of kabuki).
  • Historical background -- Dramatizations as the space for everyone to share their reading experiences ( = consumption of services).

The theme varied wildely, and we heard many stimulating episodes in the event, while the most impressive remarks from Mr. Nakagawa was that “the dramatization makes manga series vivid and lively”. Performers and contents were refreshed every time dramatic works were put on the stage. Even if the serialization finished, the manga series would be revived with contemporaneity again by dramatization. Although theatrical work is a transient art because it would disappear immediately after it was performed, it also showed us that there is something powerful inside of it for that it would remain in form.

There were many questions and suggestions from our participants oversea, which made me realize that how deeply Japanese manga series had spread in foreign countries. Meanwhile, in the questionnaire after the event, there were many participants answering that they also got interested in kabuki which made this event very meaningful as an entrance of kabuki for young people both within and outside Japan. This project is scheduled to hold events on “Kabuki and Manga” in the future. Please look forward to that.

Here, we would like to share event reports from three foreign students attending from oversea.

The assigned position of the writer was then position.

 I think it was an interesting lecture and how the Japanese pop culture such as manga had been combined into more cultural territories such as Kabuki. Even though I grow up with animes such as “Pokemon” (originally) and “Sailor Moon”, I belonged to the western generation who mainly read mangas instead of watching the animes. We even had our own Swedish monthly manga magazine called” Shonen Jump”, in which I got introduced to mangas such as “BLEACH”,”NARUTO”,”Rurouni Kenshin”, etc. Unfortunately, it was canceled after 36 due to the Japanese owners have withdrawn the Swedish publishing license. I think this was very sad as from what I understand it was very popular here and a good way for Swedish kids to read different mangas at an affordable price, as the book versions were, and still are very expensive outside of Japan, as Mr. Nakagawa also mentioned. However, I’m not sure that it would be as popular today amongst children as the technology has evolved and there are streaming sites, such as NetFlix, that offer a large variety of animes these days.
 I think there has been an uplift for animes compared to only a few years ago. If one of my favorites animes, ”Akatsuki no Yona” had been released now, I’m certain that it would have been as popular as eg. ”Seven Deadly sins” and renewed for at least three or more seasons. Even though animes are gaining more popularity in the West, and the technology is moving forward,  I think it’s interesting to see that paper book mangas are still very popular in Japan instead of digital books.  In my opinion, there is a different feeling to hold and read a psychical book than just scroll down on your laptop.
 I hope that Japan will continue to protect the traditional mangas, but at the same time also make something new such as kabuki shows based on the manga stories, which looked very interesting. Hopefully, I will be able to watch one next time I’ll go to Japan.

Marlene Ebba Moa Gunnel Nanna Wixner(Dalarna University)

 I was very excited since I like anime and manga a lot. I knew a little bit about kabuki but not much. Therefor I was looking forward to the special lecture and learn more about both topics and also how they connect.
 I did not know of the “Weekly Shonen Jump” magazine before. I am sure that in bigger cities of Germany you will be able to find it in some bookstores. In my hometown though you will not find anything. As the list of some of their most popular manga was shown, I recognized most of the titles. To be honest I did not read any of them yet, but I do know the names and overall stories. Especially “NARUTO”,”One Piece” and “Demon Slayer” are very popular in Germany. Whenever you want to read a manga and wonder what you could read, you will find at least one of these three titles.
 The few things I knew about kabuki was ‘onnagata’. However, I did not know that in the beginning there were women who participated as actors.
 Also, the only manga that I knew of was being made into a theatre/movie was “Death Note”. In Germany, anime is way more popular than manga. Manga cost 10€ or more here so most people just read manga online or watch the anime of it. On the classical German anime websites, you do not find any musicals or stages plays of the anime. On platforms like YouTube I did only find small parts of scenes (mostly under five minutes). So, it is actually pretty difficult for me in Germany to watch those performances. I would be very happy and excited if maybe some of those musicals or kabuki performances would have a show in Germany or Europe.

Celina Rinkewitz(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

 Japanese comics are a hobby that many people around the world share and experience. In fact, I know many of the works mentioned in the lecture, so I think it is one of the most loved and successful Japanese industries. As times changed, I thought comics could be a classic antipathy.
 However, it was impressive that comics were integrated with various media in line with the trend of this era. In particular, it was my first time hearing the story of a comics-based performance and musical, and it was very fresh. I was thinking that every publishing industry around the world would be in the dark with the developing media. However, as mentioned in the lecture, I look forward to seeing the comics industry move forward through new attempts with other means. It was impressive that I could learn more about the industry I thought I knew well through the lecture.

Sunghan Hong(Dongduk Women's University)

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