• 参加資格: 初心者および日本語能力試験N5~N2レベル Beginners of
Students who are beginners of Japanese language and ones of JLPS N5-N2 levels (or the equivalent) are eligible to attend the course.
Beginners must be able to communicate in English.
• 定員: 30名
Up to 30 students are accepted for the course
【総合日本語クラス Comprehensive Japanese Language Class】
Divided in 3 classes based on the Japanese Language levels (①Beginners, ②JLPS N5-N4, ③JLPS N3-N2), learn Japanese language.
【プロジェクトワーク Project Work】
(使用言語: 初心者・初級者-英語 初級~中上級者-日本語)
Collaborative research work by multi-cultural groups, field works for the reserch, writing the report, and the presentation in Japanese.
(Language:Beginners/JLPS N5-English JLPS N4-N2-Japanese)
2016年度の様子 2016 Summer Program In Japanese Language
• Up to 60 students are accepted for this course.
• For sub-course 1 and 2 attendants, all lectures are basically on the introductory level, so previous experiences of the subject is not required.
• For sub-course 3 attendants, the university-level knowledge of natural sciences is required.
【Lectures】 Choose 1 sub-course from below
Sub-course 1: Gender from Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Sub-course 2: Digging in Japanese Food Culture: What is ‘authenticity’ of traditional food?
Sub-course 3: Evolution in Natural Science: From Being to Becoming
• Each course has 90 minutes x 12 classes, a field study and a workshop.
• Each course is taught by several lecturers in an omnibus style and from interdisciplinary perspectives.
• More than 75 % attendance and submission of a final report are required for getting credits.
【Project Works】
Collaborative research work by multi-cultural groups, field works for the research, writing the report, and the presentation in English.
2016 Summer Program In Culture and Society