Date : Wednesday, 20 July, 2022
Time : 9:00am - 10:30am (JST)
Venue : Online (Zoom)
Zoom link is announced on Moodle. (click here)
Keynote Speech : Takako KOIZUMI
*The seminar is exclusive to the students and faculty staff of Ochanomizu University and the participants of "Ocha Summer Program".
How we can achieve ‘quality education for all’ , one of the most fundamental goals in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by 2030? The lecture focuses on the progress achieved and upcoming challenges, using as reference education projects in developing countries. The participants will learn how Japan is supporting developing countries to address this global agenda, and explore possibilities of utilizing the experiences to contribute Japan’s current social issues such as educational disparities and intercultural cohesion.
Contact : Summer Program Office ( ocha-summer@cc.ocha.ac.jp )
» 2022SummerProgramThe2ndSpecialLecture(PDF形式 12,591キロバイト)
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