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Special Lecture in Summer Program 2022 "WOMENOMICS IMPERATIVE"


The 1st Special Lecture by Kathy MATSUI



Date : Tuesday, 19 July, 2022
Time : 6:00pm - 7:00pm (JST)
Venue : Online (Zoom)
            Zoom link is announced on Moodle. (click here)

Keynote Speech : Kathy MATSUI

*The seminar is exclusive to the students and faculty staff of Ochanomizu University and the participants of  "Ocha Summer Program".

"Womenomics" is the combination of "women" and "economics," and is the idea that increased female labor participation can help boost economic growth, particularly for countries facing severe demographic headwinds like Japan. Greater gender diversity can also help drive improved corporate performance through innovation. In this age of AI and digitalization, there are great expectations surrounding entrepreneurs who leverage technology to solve societal challenges, but by integrating ESG principles (including diversity), businesses and startups can maximize their full potential.

Contact : Summer Program Office (  )

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