International joint seminar was held on September 8th, 2022, to celebrate conclusion of the comprehensive partnership agreement related to SDGs with Taipei Medical University (TMU).
We, Ochanomizu University and Taipei Medical University (TMU), has fastened as in a joint international-exchange treaty since 2018. In addition to this, MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT(MOA) for our cooperative promotion regarding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is exchanged from 2022 between Institute for SDGs Promotion by Ochanomizu University and College of Nutrition in Taipei Medical University (TMU).
Thanks to this, we will proceed to study for SDGs promotion, strengthening our partnership through exchanging guest professors, projecting cooperative researches, and holding collaborative international seminars.
The 1st international seminar, “Promotion of Food Education for Elderly Adults”, was held on 8th September.
And, Suh-Ching Yang Sensei, Professor in Taipei Medical University (TMU) and cooperative officer of this alliance, came to our campus on 10th November.
*Details were posted on Taipei Medical University’s HP.