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The second exchange meeting was held to introduce sustainability initiatives of the universities in Bunkyo City


We attended the exchange meeting to introduce sustainability initiatives at universities in Bunkyo city.

 On November 22, the 2nd exchange meeting for introducing sustainability initiatives of universities in Bunkyo City was held. From Ochanomizu University, Prof. Rie Akamatsu, Vice President of the university (a member of Institute for SDGs Promotion), Emeritus Professor Yoko Fujiwara (visiting professor of the institute) and Project Professor Chinatsu Kasamatsu attended the meeting. 

From OCHA-SDGs Student Committee, Vice Chair Hana Morishita (Faculty of Letters and Education) and Tamaki Kuneda (Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Science) spoke and gave their reports. 

The 2nd Exchange Meeting to Introduce Sustainability Initiatives at Universities in Bunkyo City

Date and Time 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 16:00-18:40(JST) 


Bunkyo Civic Center, 5F, Meeting Room 5C 


Minoru Tsuzuki, President of Nippon Pharmaceutical University 


Tatsuya Okubo, Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo
Hironobu Narisawa, Mayor of Bunkyo City

Introduction of sustainability initiatives of universities and university co-ops in Bunkyo City (15 minutes each) 

"The University of Tokyo's efforts to promote GX" 

Tatsuya Okubo, Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo

"State of measures for sustainability at Japan Women's University" 

Akane Miyazaki, Vice President of Japan Women's University 

"Toyo University's SDG Initiatives: Focusing on Regional Collaboration and High School-University Collaboration"

Hideo Kawaguchi, Vice President / Director of The Toyo University SDGs Promotion Center  

Shunsuke Kazori, student of Toyo University

"The University's GX (Green Transformation) Activated by Students" 

Tomoya Akiyama, Ikuto Nakaya, Nanako Mizuno, Sonoka Bekki, Ruho Nakano, students of The University of Tokyo 

Break (5 minutes) 

"Status of Sustainability Initiatives at Nippon Pharmaceutical University" 

Hiroko Inoue, Director of Center for Community Collaboration("地域連携センター長"), Nippon Pharmaceutical University

"Chuo University's Efforts to Achieve the SGDs: Focusing on Collaboration with Students" 

Nobuyuki Sato, Vice President of Chuo University 

"Introduction of OCHA-SDGs Student Committee Activities"  

"OchaEco Bento -Efforts to Reduce Food Loss in Ochanomizu University Co-op Cafeteria-"

Hana Morishita, Tamaki Kuneda, students of Ochanomizu University

"Introduction of the University of Tokyo Co-op's activities for GX (Green Transformation)"

Tatsuya Nakajima, Managing Director, The University of Tokyo Co-op 

News from Bunkyo City Office 

Mantaro Hashimoto, the section chief of Environmental Policy Division 

Impressions and comments from each organization (2 minutes each) 

Other participating university or organization: Juntendo University, Atomi University, Toyo University Co-op 



The SDG promotion activities conducted by the students from the viewpoint of Seikatsu-sha were introduced, and a part of the results of study analyzing the sales performance of OchaEco lunchboxes ("bento"), which reuse leftover foods from the cafeteria's lunch sales, were presented.

  • 森下さんの発表(OCHA-SDGs学生委員活動)  (Introduction of OCHA-SDGs student committee's activities)
  • 久祢田さんの発表(OchaEco弁当の販売について)   (Presentation of OchaEco Bento
  • 会場の様子(文京区役所内)         (A view of the venue

We will continue to develop cooperation between universities and student organizations in Bunkyo City and pursue and disseminate sustainability through the united efforts of the entire Bunkyo City.

Please refer to this article for more information on the exchange of ideas and opinions to introduce sustainability initiatives of universities in Bunkyo City in FY2022.

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