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We introduced OCHA-SDGs activities at mottECO FESTA 2024.


"~Let's eliminate leftover food! ~Reduce Food Loss and Waste mottECO FESTA 2024"
Report on the Booth Exhibition of Institute for SDGs Promotion

On July 29, 2024, mottECO FESTA 2024 was held on the 2nd floor of Hotel Metropolitan Edmont (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), hosted by "the Consortium for the Promotion of mottECO" (mottECO普及コンソーシアム), an industry-government-academia alliance.

The purpose of the event was to raise awareness about the SDGs, resource recycling, and other environmental issues, with a focus on food loss and waste reduction. Booths introducing food loss and waste reduction efforts by related ministries, universities, and businesses were exhibited, and panel discussions, lectures, and tastings of "Mottainai" menus(*) were held.

*"Mottainai" almost equals to the adjective, "wasting" or "wasteful" in English. "Mottainai menus" means dishes whose lefetover ingredients are used once again rather than just disposed.

Event Outline

"~Let's eliminate leftover food! ~Reduce Food Loss and Waste mottECO FESTA 2024"

【Date and Time】 Monday, July 29, 2024, 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (JST)
【Location】  Hotel Metropolitan Edmont, 2F (3-10-8 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

  • Booth to introduce initiatives to reduce food loss and waste
      (Exhibits by private companies that are members of the Consortium for the Promotion of mottECO, local governments in Tokyo, related ministries and agencies, universities, etc.)
  • Panel discussion by various stakeholders
  • Lectures on food loss and waste reduction
  • Tasting of Mottainai menus, etc.

参照: 食品ロス削減啓発イベント「mottECO(モッテコ) FESTA2024」開催2024年7月29日(月)10:30~14:00 | 株式会社セブン&アイ・フードシステムズのプレスリリース (prtimes.jp)
*The page is written in Japanese.

Institute obtained an invitation from Seven & i Food Systems Co., Ltd. and we exhibited a poster summarizing the university's effort to reduce food loss and waste. In addition, we distributed materials on our activities, including creative works by OCHA-SDGs Student Committee, to promote Institute's efforts: Institute leaflet, activity report, handbill of "Recipes for the wise"(※②), OCHA-SDGs Student Committee activity report, OCHA-SDGs calendar, etc.

※① For more information on OchaEco Bento (OchaEco Lunchboxes), please see FY2023 Activity Report(J) (p.78).
※② You can also read more about "Recipes for the wise"(賢者のレシピ) (pp.51-53) in the following article:
"Recipes for the Wise, conceived by students of Ochanomizu University" has been posted on the website of Seven & i Holdings Co. | お茶の水女子大学

  • 本研究所出展ブースの様子(Institute's exhibition booth)
  • 来訪者との交流(Interaction with visitors)

"MottECO" is an initiative recommended by the central ministries (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and Consumer Affairs Agency) that aims to reduce food loss and waste through public-private partnership by encouraging people to take home leftover food at restaurants, as well as to eat up or order the right amount. Last year, Institute exchanged opinions on this project through a visit to ITO Training Center. (FY2023 Activity Report(J): pp.53-55)

We will continue to collaborate with Seven and i, utilizing students' unique ideas on how "Seikatsu-sha" (≒consumers) are elaborating on food loss and waste reduction.

*Institute for SDGs Promotion has concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement on SDGs with Seven & i Holdings Co. (The detail is here(J)

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