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All-Ochanomizu Food Drive (FY2023) has been completed.


Report on the 2023 Food Drive around all the Ochanomizu
(the university and the affiliated schools / kindergarten)
~The key word is "sharing"〜

As in the previous year, as part of the University's SDGs promotion activities, a food drive was conducted from October to December in cooperation with the affiliated schools (kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school).

This year, instead of holding the food drive at the same time as the Seven & i, the student committee members and the schools / kindergarten collaborated individually to make the SDG activities more personal and raise awareness of the food drive.

  • 学生が呼び込みをする様子(University students calling out during lunch break)
  • 回収ボックスを確かめる様子(Collection box placed at the university)

Through this activity, approximately 200 kg of food was collected, almost the same amount as last year, and donated to the NPO Second Harvest Japan.

At the review meeting held in January 2024, the key word for all the Ochanomizu food-drive was confirmed as "sharing", and personnels from the university or affiliated schools shared their reflections for the coming year.

  • 振り返り会のスライド(Cover of the presentation material
    for the review meeting)

We are also diligently planning the next all Ochanomizu food drive in FY2024. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 収集された食品の一部(Foods brought by students)
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