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Former Director Yoko Fujiwara introduced our institute at the University of Tokyo International Symposium.


Report on Presentation at the University of Tokyo International Symposium
“Signals for Human, Animal and Planetary Health: from Metabolites to Biological Interactions”

On March 4-8, 2024, former Director Yoko Fujiwara (Professor Emeritus of Ochanomizu University) participated in the International Symposium “Signals for Human, Animal and Planetary Health: from Metabolites to Biological Interactions” at Yayoi Auditorium, the University of Tokyo. 

This symposium has been held since the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Tokyo was selected for the Core-to-Core Program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in FY2021, and Institute for SDG Promotion has been exchanging views on human resource development and education to promote the SDGs in the area of food.

We were invited to present the class One Earthology (I) - (III) in the One Earth Guardian Program, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, where we were able to share achievements related to corporate collaboration with students to solve social issues centered on food.

In the first session of the International Symposium, the University of Tokyo Vice President Tatsuya Okubo presented "Overview of U Tokyo Climate Action". And then, the presentation by Associate Professor Momo Nakanishi of the University of Tokyo "What can we do for the Earth in the next 100 years? One Earth Guardian Development Program" followed. Following her lecture, Professor Emeritus of Ochanomizu University Yoko Fujiwara presented "Seikatsu-sha-oriented OCHA-SDGs: Introduction of Institute for SDGs Promotion in Ochanomizu University", introducing the Institute's initiatives in FY2023.

It is now essential to take action beyond 2030 (Beyond SDGs). Especially in terms of issue resolution involving junior high and high school students, the discussion was highly suggestive for Ochanomizu University to promote SDG activities as well.

*This case is reported on p.60 of FY2023 Activity Report(J) as well.

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