We have finished posting for “Onigiri Action 2024”.
Please see the report article by student committee member. (here)
OCHA-SDGs Student Committee members are joining Onigiri Action 2024, which started on Thursday, October 3, 2024.
Onigiri Action is an initiative to provide five school lunches to children in Africa and Asia for every photo posted on social networking services (Instagram, X, Facebook) or on a special website. Organized by TABLE FOR TWO, which simultaneously tackles hunger in developing countries and obesity and lifestyle-related diseases in developed countries, the event has been held every year since 2015 to commemorate World Food Day on October 16.
(For more information, please visit the official website: https://onigiri-action.com/en/)
Anyone, from anywhere, can participate if they have a photo of an onigiri (rice ball), and student committee members will be posting photos from the institute's X account.
We hope that this will be an opportunity to think about the issues of world hunger and obesity through a fresh look at the “food” that is familiar to us.
Picture of Onigiri photographed by student committee member
»Onigiri Action 2024 Official Website (新しいウインドウが開き、本サイトを離れます)