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An opinion exchange meeting was held to introduce the sustainability initiatives of five universities in Bunkyo City


This event was held on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at the Fukutake Learning Theater on the Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo (held simultaneously online) for faculty, staff, and students who are engaged in activities in the field of sustainability at universities. 


First, Executive Vice President Tatsuya Okubo at the University of Tokyo gave opening remarks, and Mayor of Bunkyo City Hironobu Narisawa gave an address of welcome. 

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Greetings from Mayor of Bunkyo City Hironobu Narisawa

This was followed by Professor Yoko Fujiwara, Director of the Institute for SDGs Promotion at Ochanomizu University, who introduced the features of “OCHA-SDGs” implemented at the University and On-campus Food Drive (held on November 25-27) as the first activity by the student committee members. 

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Introduction of the Institute for SDGs Promotion by Professor Yoko FUJIWARA

After that, the University of Tokyo, Toyo University, Japan Women's University, Japan Pharmaceutical University, and the University of Tokyo Consumer Cooperative Association (University Co-op) introduced examples of SDG-related initiatives being promoted by each of them, and the viewpoints of each university were actively discussed in the panel discussion. 

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Panel discussion

 In summary, Vice President Rie Akamatsu expressed her expectations for inter-university collaboration, including the University Co-op.

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