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Tokyo Cable Network's TV show "Let's! SDGs!!" featured OCHA-SDGs Student Committee's performing Entomophagy Consignment Sale and Campus Festival.


On December 25, 2023, the cricket fair (entomophagy consignment sale with Ochanomizu University Co-op) and the university's campus festival were featured in the TV program of Tokyo Cable Network (Bunkyo City, Tokyo) "Let's! SDGs!!!" (now "Iikoto! SDGs!!" (イイコト!SDGs!!)) and uploaded on YouTube, introducing as the activities of OCHA-SDGs Student Committee.

It is still available for viewing. Please access the following link to watch it.
~湯島本郷マーチング委員会&お茶の水女子大学 OCHA SDGs~Let’s!SDGs!! Vol.16 

Cricket fair in June and campus festival exhibit in November (collaboration project of Campus Festival "Kiin-sai (徽音祭) " Executive Committee) were covered.
*The cricket fair is introduced in this article: OCHA-SDGs Student Committee conducted "Entomophagy Consignment Sale" with University Co-op

On the day of cricket fair, the student committee members who are devisers of the event expressed their thoughts on promoting cricket eating through an interview by Director Toki.

  • 土岐ディレクターによる撮影の様子(Ocha Univ Co-op and Director Toki)
  • 店内での取材の様子(interviewing in-store purchasers)

And then, "Let's! SDGs!!" introduces how the campus festival's exhibition which was jointly held by OCHA-SDGs Student Committee and Campus Festival Executive Committee members were conducting SDGs-themed exhibition.

  • 徽音祭実行委員との合同企画を示す様子

In addition to monthly OCHA-SDGs calendars produced by ESD group and the display of Campus Tap Water Map completed by Environment group over the summer, many of the following events featured numerous ideas brought by OCHA-SDGs student committee members.

  • Beeswax wrap workshop
  • SDGs quiz rally on campus
  • Upcycled goods and accessories (sobolon)
  • Granola made from substandard fruits
  • Cricket snacks
    *Granola was procured from Garakuta Kobo, which Food Groupvisited last year, and cricket snacks were procured from Gryllus Inc. as at Cricket Fair in June.
  • グラノーラ商品(Granola)
  • 再販のコオロギスナック(Cricket snacks)

    The beeswax wrap workshop was attended by many children and their mothers and fathers, and at one point there was a waiting list.

    • 蜜蝋ワークショップの様子(Beeswax workshop)
    • 小さいお子様に教える学生委員(Student committee member working with a small child)

    Regarding the workshop, we had initially planned to make drawstring bag as well, and the unwanted clothes collected on campus for this purpose were donated to a donation organization. 

    • 徽音祭前に集めた不要な衣服

    SDGs quiz rally on campus provided quizzes to help students grasp the reality of poverty, hunger, all disparities including gender, health issues, destruction of nature, etc.

    • SDGsクイズラリーの写真(SDGs quiz rally)

    Among the upcycled products, jewelry made from marine plastic waste especially caught the attention of many women, demonstrating the trend of valuing ethical consumption behavior even for glittering products.

    • アップサイクル商品の様子(Upcycled accessories)
    • アップサイクル商品の様子②(Upcycled umbrellas, etc.)

    "Let's! SDGs!" Vol. 16 introduces the above-mentioned limited sales of cricket snacks, which became a hot topic at the University, and the campus festival exhibit, which was widely attended by the general public, young and old alike.

    • あらぶんちょくん(Mr. Arabuncho)

    We hope that the activities of OCHA-SDGs Student Committee, which were featured on a local broadcaster, will lead to a movement throughout the society.

    関連リンク / Related Links

    »~湯島本郷マーチング委員会&お茶の水女子大学 OCHA SDGs~Let’s!SDGs!! Vol.16 (新しいウインドウが開き、本サイトを離れます)

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