Sales were a great success. Thank you very much for your support.
Please click here for a list of menus students devised in FY2023.
Plant-Based Food Menu
Devised by OCHA-SDGs Student Committee Members Sold at the Co-op Cafeteria【Part 2】
The last of the plant-based food menu items that OCHA-SDGs Student Committee members and Ochas (the official club of the University) prototyped and proposed in November 2023 will be sold at the Co-op Cafeteria for the last time this academic year. (Click hereto learn more about the last two items sold and the prototyping session)
The sale will be held during the Co-op cafeteria lunch hours (10:30-13:30) for three days from January 29 (Mon.) to 31 (Wed.). The number of dishes will be limited due to the end of the semester, but we hope you will give it a try.
We look forward to your comments and suggestions. Thank you in advance.
*If you have already tasted the food, please fill out the buyer's survey. We will discuss with the Co-op for future offerings based on your feedback.
(Purchaser Questionnaire)
*Click here for the link